Hey @radikris so we did some more digging and were able to find the issue. It looks like some deployment platforms strip out one of our dependencies on the deployment to production that causes the data bindings to not get evaluated on the server. Luckily there is a fairly straight forward fix, you just need to make sure to explicitly add the dependency like so:
within your next.config.js file:
webpack: (config) => {
config.externals = (config.externals || []).concat('vm2');
return config;
And then within your app code:
import { Builder } from '@builder.io/react'
if (Builder.isServer) {
try {
// tricking whatever stripping vm2 to include it on server
} catch(e) {
You can see a commit with the code change to a fork of your repo here:
And it working on the deployed site here:
Try this out and see if it works for yall!