Performance For THE UI Builder

My experience so far:

  • Experience some problems on deployment in the start but related to not entirely understanding how builder works, following everything on the documentation setup helps: Developer Quickstart -

  • performance wise take into consideration that most builder components are client side components and builder does extra request (although cached and has a stale content logic) to retrieve information about the page and components, since I imagine in SSR your page will have other requests to do it makes little difference in the long run but in the end your page will render like so:

                builder get page information with a request 
                               (using SSR)
    the page get the info(in json) and renders the correct components/page 
                             (on client side)

more info:
content api

some tips while developing with builder:

  • As a developer you will most likely be creating custom components which is the main feature of builder: Intro to Integrating Custom Components -

  • Aways take into consideration that the preview editor builder is a different env the the published one

  • If you have additional configuration to handle routes and pages (like having different locales or advanced slug strategies configured on next.js, or query string attributes) I advise changing the preview logic to ensure those are being take into consideration on preview
    Editing and Previewing Your Site -

  • If you have your on design system I advise disabling builder default styles Disabling Default Styling

  • some times you will have to use advanced inputs/functions that standard does not have, for that I advise looking into plugins: Making a Plugin -

  • Use symbols when you have to edit the same layout with different content, also another powerful feature of them is using them alongside targeting parameters to render different content depending on the page data, url, content etc Introduction to Symbols -

In general I think builder is suited for most of e-commerce solutions in my opinion and also any site that can benefit from CMS data management and have a defined design system (since builder make it easier to incorporate your design system into the mix)