Builder block error - Check console for details

Hi @manish-sharma ,

Thank you for your consistent support and help.

I am currently on the Growth Trial plan of, exploring all the features and what Builder offers.

I am currently trying to use the scheduler feature for releasing my Announcement bar. When I tried to publish the page and view this in my local and vercel then I saw some errors related to the Builder Block error and other related errors or warnings in the console.

I had a few questions as well.
Can we schedule a section/component within a page to go live as per the scheduler?

My node version is 18 and Nextjs is latest and up to date.
My Builder Public API Key: c7c102df613943ddb9642a9636ce10cc

I have updated the cacheBust and cacheSeconds in Builder get API to resolve the caching issue.

P.s. I also kept seeing the hydration errors.

I am attaching my git repo here: GitHub - sohailkhan361/demo-poc-1: Project created as a POC for tech stack: NextJS, POC-1

Hello @sohail,

Regarding the block error, we are actively working to reproduce it and will provide you with an update soon.

As for scheduling sections/components to go live, you can achieve this by creating a Dynamic Symbol. For a step-by-step guide, please refer to the documentation at Scheduling Symbols.

Adding cacheBust and cacheSeconds should resolve the issue. If the problem persists, please let us know.

Regarding the hydration errors, could you share a content link or name where you are encountering this issue? This information will help us investigate and address the problem more effectively.

Thank you!

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Hi @manish-sharma ,

Thank you for your response.

I also saw the following issue when I tried to edit my already published page and add localization.

Hello @sohail,

Have you integrated localization in your code base?

// pass locale you want to render down as prop.

Hi @manish-sharma ,

yes, I am working on it. I haven’t pushed the changes yet but I am trying to work on it. I got stuck at that error Builder Block error and the other.
Just a question here:
Do I have to fetch the myLocale from the builder API and send it as per geographical location or Builder takes care of that itself?

Hello @sohail,

No, there’s no need to manually fetch it from the Builder API. The Builder component automatically handles localization when you pass the locale as a parameter within the <BuilderComponent />.

For further details, you can refer to the discussion on localization with Next.js in our forum: Localization with Next.js.

Thank you!

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Sure I will work on it. thank you so much.