I don’t seem to have the builder dev tools showing anymore for registering custom components. Is there a way to get it back?
Thank you for reaching out to the Builder Forum. I am Veronika and a Customer Engineer here at Builder.
Could you please share a screenshot or screen recording of what you mean?
i do not have builder dev tools available. i can’t really show a screenshot of this as it’s not there. see: Developer Quickstart - Builder.io for what i should have.
any feedback on this? Thanks
Same problem here.
After upgrading the sdk version the button at bottom right corner do not appear anymore.
UPDATE: I figure out what was causing the problem on my side. I started to use NextJS 15 and I was using the turbopack bundler by passing the --turbopack flag in the yarn dev command, and for some reason the button does not show anymore. After removing the --turbopack flag everything start working again.
Support here is not very good. Starting to get worried about using this on projects. I ended up removing turbopack as this was causing issues. I also rolled back to nextjs14 as was getting many problems with 15. hope that helps you as support is pants.
Our apologies for the late reply. We are currently looking into this.
Thank you.
Hello @richieRich and @l.simoes,
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We haven’t yet tested the dev tool functionality with the next 15 versions. Rest assured, we are currently testing the dev tools with the next 15 and will keep you updated on our progress.
Thank you for bringing this potential issue to our attention.
Best regards,
Hello @l.simoes and @richieRich,
We have successfully reproduced the issue with dev-tools not functioning when using turbopack. We are currently discussing this problem internally to decide on the next steps. We will keep you updated as soon as we make any progress.
Thank you,