`BuilderContent` component callback returns inconsistent data when previewing

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Builder content link
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Builder.io: Visual Development Platform

Builder public api key
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What are you trying to accomplish
e.g. I want to integrate builder on a landing page
I am having difficulties with getting consistent data back when previewing my content in the builder IO platform.

See the output of the callback of the BuilderContent component when previewing:

    "<p>fdsfdsfadsfadsfadsfadsftfghfghfg</p><h2>Test Section</h2><p>dfddsfsdfdsfds</p><p>dsfdsfds</p>",
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        "content": "<p>fdsfdsfadsfadsfadsfadsftfghfghfg</p><h2>Test Section</h2><p>dfddsfsdfdsfds</p><p>dsfdsfds</p>",
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This is an array of the response where the first element is the first param; why is the first param a string of just the “content” field when previewing? From my understanding, the docs, and when I am not previewing, it is the full model’s content filled out with variations resolved.

See how the title does not update with the new title in the menu.

Code stack you are integrating Builder with
e.g. NextJS, react, Shopify

Reproducible code example
If you are having integration errors, please link to codesandbox or copy and paste your problematic code here. The more detail the better!

Not much to give here but this is the BuilderContent object where I am logging out the responses. Like I said earlier, the first param resolvedData is correct when not previewing but is just the content field when previewing and I am not sure why. It breaks the preview entirely :frowning: :

        options: {
          includeRefs: true,
      {(...test) => {
        console.log('params', test);
        const [resolvedData, loading, fullData] = test;
        if (loading) return;
        console.log('fullData', fullData);
        console.log('resolvedData', resolvedData);
        console.log('isPreviewing', isPreviewing);
        const data = resolvedData;

Interesting error in the console on the builder site:

Prop `builder-path` did not match. Server: "null" Client: ""

Interesting temporary “fix” was to check for the type of the data returned from the BuilderContent callback and render nothing if its typeof data === 'string'. Still would like some better understanding of why this was happening though.

Another update that may or may not be related is the builder blocks are not being rendered except for in the preview; the rest of the page is being rendered though.

Hello @kacey,

It appears there might be an issue with <BuilderContent> in your code where you are using the options prop:

        options: {
          includeRefs: true,

The options prop seems to have redundant nesting. You can simplify it like this

      includeRefs: true,

Please make this adjustment and check if it resolves the issue you are facing.
