Can't navigate to a plugin registered in the `editor.mainTab`

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug
Register plugin in the editor.mainTab and navigate to it.

Screenshots or video link

Reproducible code example

Hello @lukasz.,

We suspect the issue could be due to browser restrictions, I was able to recreate the issue, however, could you try using MyText as custom type in a data model field and see if that works?

  1. Go to Models.
  2. Select a model to edit or create a new one.
  3. In the model, click the + New Field button.
  4. To confirm that your plugin is working, click the Type dropdown and scroll down to select the type MyText. Notice that when you select MyText, the Default value input changes to a Rich Text input that includes text formatting options.

MyText comes from the name you provided in plugin.jsx. to Builder.registerEditor().

Hi @manish-sharma, thanks for the reply. I’ve added the MyText plugin to serve as an example. Our actual plugin needs to be registered in the editor’s main tab so that we have access to the edited document. We wanted to modify specific parts of the document (using allBlocks builder/packages/app-context/index.d.ts at main · BuilderIO/builder · GitHub) in response to actions carried out in our plugin.

Hello @lukasz,

We are discussing this issue internally, but I’m not certain if the Quill rich text editor component can be displayed in the editor view. Rest assured, I will keep you updated on any developments.

Thank you,