Code example offered on Model page uses incorrect types

Builder content link

Builder public api key
sorry there is no PUBLIC api key on that page. There is only the following options on the Organization tab:

  • Name
  • Spaces
  • Payment
  • Invoices
  • Private keys

this is a new account

Code stack you are integrating Builder with
NextJS, React, Typescript

What are you trying to accomplish
We are evaluating Builder for use in our company and I am experimenting with a mockup of our company site. I am trying to build models for the site’s navigation menus and have used a “Section” model type because I want to embed the nav menu into every page on the site.

The code example offered below the “Navigation Menu Model Options” seems to be incorrect. It is using getStaticProps() but shows resolvedUrl as a context prop.

But the GetStaticPropsContext type does not contain that prop:

However, resolvedUrl IS a prop on the GetServerSidePropsContext type:

So my questions are:

Should the code example be using getServerSideProps() instead of getStaticProps()???


IF i want/need to use getStaticProps() how can i retreive the data for my section model without needing the resolvedUrl parameter?