Create Private Pages that are accessible only after authorization

Howdy @yashu, welcome to the forum!

You can do this using a recently added model setting called public readable. You can go over to Visual Development Platform and choose your model and hit show more options under model settings and then find the public readable option and turn that off and save your model, e.g. perhaps make a new private-page model of page type with this setting switched off

Note that this model option is currently only live on but will be in the production settings UI soon.

Then, go over to your organization settings at Visual Development Platform and add create a new private key

private key .

Then you can use our content API to request private content using your private key, e.g.

let apiUrl = ''
let modelName = 'private-page'
let content = await request(`${apiUrl}/${modelName}?apiKey=${yourPublicKey}&limit=1&userAttributes.urlPath=/some-page`, {
  headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${yourPrivateKey}` },

Then you can pass that json to render as needed, e.g. with React

let page = content.results[0];

if (page) {
  return <BuilderComponent model="private-page" content={page} />

Hope this helps and let me know if I can further explain anything here!