[ERROR] NG8001: 'builder-component' is not a known element:

I am following this ‘getting started’ page. Integrating Pages - Builder.io

But I get errors.

Application bundle generation failed. [0.073 seconds]
✘ [ERROR] NG8001: 'builder-component' is not a known element:
1. If 'builder-component' is an Angular component, then verify that it is included in the '@Component.imports' of this component.
2. If 'builder-component' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@Component.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. [plugin angular-compiler]

      0 │
        ╵ ^

  Error occurs in the template of component LandingPageComponent.

      9 │   templateUrl: './landing-page.component.html',
        ╵                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hello @heydenb,

Welcome to the builder.io forum post!

Would you be able to share the code for the landing-page.component.html?

Below is an example that works well for us

  (load)="noBuilderPageForUrl = $event ? false : true"
  (error)="noBuilderPageForUrl = true"
  [content]="builderRSP | async"
  <!-- Default content inside the tag shows while the builder content is fetching -->
  <div class="spinner"></div>
<app-page-not-found *ngIf="noBuilderPageForUrl"> </app-page-not-found>