Hello there !
I followed this documentation : doc, to trying to add Builder IO (latest version) to Hydrogen V4.
→ The issue :
The first step i did for my project, is to setting a hydrogen project following this tutorial : Getting started with Hydrogen and Oxygen
Second step : I tried to add Builder IO to the hydrogen project as following the Builder IO doc I mentionned before.
Thirdly, I start the project with : ``` npm run dev ````
When i go to Builder IO, going to the ‘homepage’ page that I created, I have the below errors :
I looked at the code, searching on the whole Internet for my issue, still found nothing that can help me resolve this.
→ To know :
Can someone help please ?
Thank you in advance,
Alexandre D
As I forget, here the packages and depedencies versions used for the project :
Hello @Alexandre_D,
Welcome to the Builder.io forum post.
Could you please check the browser console for any errors and share a screenshot with us?
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Hello Manish-Sharma
Thank you to take in consideration my issue.
I found a solution for it.
Delete all Hydrogen routes and add the splat route ‘$.tsx’ in my project for allowing route redirection.
Thank you
Hi Aleandre_D,
did you setup hydrogen with npm create @shopify/hydrogen@latest and used the mock.shop for setup? im trying to setup builder.io too but have been running into some issues.
Hello @Jch4nni,
Welcome to the builder.io forum post.
Yes, we have also tested Hydrogen 4 with the latest version by running the command @shopify/hydrogen@latest
and using the mock.shop. For detailed instructions, I’ve recorded a Loom video that you can refer to at the following link:
HI manisch-sharma,
first off thank you so much for the video. I have a few questions regarding the setup:
What node version are you using?
Which options are you choosing for hydrogen setup?
Did you create $.tsx in routes or did you use the ($Locale).$.tsx?
also i am getting this error in my console while trying to preview the testpage in builder.io:
GET 404 render /home?builder.space=be37c110ca864456808e37e9fa1872da&builder.cachebust=true&builder.preview=page&builder.noCache=true&builder.allowTextEdit=true&builder_editing=true&builder.overrides.page=0e34b2f7676b407cbf594dd9985912a9&builder.overrides.0e34b2f7676b407cbf594dd9985912a9=0e34b2f7676b407cbf594dd9985912a9&builder.frameEditing=page
fyi: i am using Ubuntu 22 lts and node 20
and i also noticed that after i created $.tsx and pasted your code i am getting this console error:
✘ [ERROR] Node builtin “vm” (imported by “node_modules/@builder.io/sdk-react/lib/edge/blocks-fe027bf7.js”) must be polyfilled for the browser. You can enable this polyfill in your Remix config, e.g. browserNodeBuiltinsPolyfill: { modules: { vm: true } }
[plugin browser-node-builtins-polyfill-plugin]
Hello @Jch4nni,
To resolve the polyfilled error, you can add the below code in your remix.config.ts
browserNodeBuiltinsPolyfill: {
modules: {
vm: true,
Additionally, I used the $.tsx file located in the routes directory to integrate builder.
Hi manish-sharma,
i managed to install and connect builder io.
i still get cant connect to localhost in the preview so i cant build the page. BUT i can publish it and access the empty page on my localhost - so the connection works at least.
are there any ports i might need to enable for builder in the firewall or anything?
this is a screenshot of the network for builder.io:
and the output from my dev console:
fyi: i am working on a ubuntu vm behind a server firewall
Update: I used an ngrok tunnel to project my localhost to an url - which works, i can now access the hydrogen site everywhere. But the preview is still failing.

Any ideas?
Hello @Jch4nni,
You can try enabling the Proxy Previews option from Settings → Advanced Settings → Advanced and see if that helps fix the preview
hi @manish-sharma ,
i managed by overriding the headers set by hydrogen. I also tried your solution with advanced settings but it didnt work. One issue remains tho:
I can publish a site “test-page” and access & edit it in the preview once published - so the url would be localhost:3000/test-page, but if i wanna edit the “landing page” meaning localhost:3000/ i can see the preview, but i still get a connect error and can’t edit the page.
There are no new errors in console or network, so am i missing smt?
Hello @Jch4nni,
I noticed that hydrogen typically uses the _index.tsx
file for the landing page. Have you tried integrating the Builder code into the _index.tsx
file? This could potentially resolve the issue you’re experiencing with the landing page.
Hello @Jch4nni,
I updated the routes → _index.tsx code to something like below and it worked for me
import {defer, type LoaderFunctionArgs} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';
import {Await, useLoaderData, Link, type MetaFunction} from '@remix-run/react';
import {Suspense} from 'react';
import {Image, Money} from '@shopify/hydrogen';
import type {
} from 'storefrontapi.generated';
import {
} from '@builder.io/sdk-react/edge';
export const meta: MetaFunction = () => {
return [{title: 'Hydrogen | Home'}];
export async function loader({context}: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
const {storefront} = context;
const {collections} = await storefront.query(FEATURED_COLLECTION_QUERY);
const featuredCollection = collections.nodes[0];
const recommendedProducts = storefront.query(RECOMMENDED_PRODUCTS_QUERY);
const page = await fetchOneEntry({
model: 'page',
apiKey: 'Your API Key',
userAttributes: {
urlPath: `/`,
return defer({featuredCollection, recommendedProducts, page});
export default function Homepage() {
const data = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
const {page} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
return (
<div className="home">
<FeaturedCollection collection={data.featuredCollection} />
<RecommendedProducts products={data.recommendedProducts} />
apiKey="Your API Key"
function FeaturedCollection({
}: {
collection: FeaturedCollectionFragment;
}) {
if (!collection) return null;
const image = collection?.image;
return (
{image && (
<div className="featured-collection-image">
<Image data={image} sizes="100vw" />
function RecommendedProducts({
}: {
products: Promise<RecommendedProductsQuery>;
}) {
return (
<div className="recommended-products">
<h2>Recommended Products</h2>
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<Await resolve={products}>
{({products}) => (
<div className="recommended-products-grid">
{products.nodes.map((product) => (
sizes="(min-width: 45em) 20vw, 50vw"
<Money data={product.priceRange.minVariantPrice} />
<br />
fragment FeaturedCollection on Collection {
image {
query FeaturedCollection($country: CountryCode, $language: LanguageCode)
@inContext(country: $country, language: $language) {
collections(first: 1, sortKey: UPDATED_AT, reverse: true) {
nodes {
` as const;
fragment RecommendedProduct on Product {
priceRange {
minVariantPrice {
images(first: 1) {
nodes {
query RecommendedProducts ($country: CountryCode, $language: LanguageCode)
@inContext(country: $country, language: $language) {
products(first: 4, sortKey: UPDATED_AT, reverse: true) {
nodes {
` as const;