Localization issue - builder.io history frozen

Dear Customer Support!

I hope this email finds you well. We are writing to report a crucial bug that has recently surfaced in the localization feature of Builder.io. Our team has been extensively using localized texts and FAQ metadata within the platform, and we have encountered a serious issue that demands immediate attention.

Upon inspecting our content at the following URL: Builder.io Content URL, we noticed that all the localized data, including texts and FAQ metadata, has disappeared. Instead of the expected content, only the dropdown locales are visible, but the data itself is empty.

In an attempt to resolve this issue, we navigated to the “History” tab to access previous versions of our content. However, we encountered an additional problem – the History tab failed to load properly, and as a result, the page froze. This has left us unable to view past changes or revert any modifications. It is crucial to note that we have not made any updates to our content recently, leading us to suspect that this issue is stemming from Builder.io.

We are deeply concerned about the impact this bug may have on our live page. If the localized texts and buttons remain empty, it could significantly disrupt our user experience. Therefore, we urgently request your assistance in resolving this matter and restoring our missing data.

To provide a better understanding of the issues we are facing, we have attached two screenshots that clearly illustrate the problem. Please note that due to the CDN and caching, the site may only be partially visible at times. (You can check on the live page if you a bit playing around: https://www.barion.com/en/help)

Given the urgency of the situation, we kindly ask your team to prioritize this issue and investigate the cause. If possible, please review the latest changes in the history tab to determine what might have caused this problem.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to your swift resolution. If you require any further information or assistance from our end, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.




Hey @radikris, thanks for reaching out this is definitely unexpected behaviour and something we will dig into. Taking a look, it looks like all of the Help Data Model entries are affected, which leads us to believe there may have been a recent model change that caused some data issues… did you update the Help Data Model recently? Have you updated the models or the content using the Write or Admin APIs that could have led to incorrectly formed content?

Any other recent changes to this model you can think of? That would be helpful as we continue to investigate.


Sorry, I did not see your message.

No, we did not update the model itself, maybe there were some changes regarding the content, like text update or something, but not the content itself neither through the UI, nor the write or Admin API.

Strange issue, thank you very much for your investigation, looking forward to hearing from you.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello @radikris,

We have been able to recover the JSON schema dated Aug 9th, let us know if this helps

  "@version": 3,
  "createdBy": "uw0UJ7VD7hS21zDPkekcB9zZgAD3",
  "createdDate": 1648310724531,
  "data": {
    "helplist": {
      "@type": "@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue",
      "Default": [
          "title": null
      "hu": [
          "title": null
    "helpmeta": {
      "faqmeta": {
        "@type": "@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue"
      "texts": {
        "@type": "@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue"
    "mainTabList": {
      "@type": "@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue",
      "Default": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "default"
          "tab": "default"
      "cs": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Registrace"
              "tab": "Zasílání peněz"
              "tab": "Přijímání peněz"
              "tab": "Přijímání peněz za nákup a integrace Barion shopu"
              "tab": "Limity"
              "tab": "Odstranění limitů pro organizace"
              "tab": "Bankovní převod, bankovní transfer"
              "tab": "Zrušení"
              "tab": "Další otázky týkající se používání peněženky Barion"
          "tab": "Firmy"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Registrace"
              "tab": "Dobití (navýšení zůstatku v peněžence)"
              "tab": "Zasílání peněz"
              "tab": "Přijímání peněz"
              "tab": "Nakupování"
              "tab": "Limity"
              "tab": "Limity, identifikace jednotlivců"
              "tab": "Bankovní převod, bankovní transfer"
              "tab": "Zrušení"
              "tab": "Další otázky týkající se používání peněženky Barion"
          "tab": "Osoby"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Všeobecné otázky"
              "tab": "Otázky týkající se API"
          "tab": "Vývojář"
      "de": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Barion-Konto Öffnung"
              "tab": "Geldversand"
              "tab": "Geldempfang"
              "tab": "Erstellen und Verwalten einer Akzeptanzstelle"
              "tab": "Limits"
              "tab": "Entfernen von Grenzwerten für Organisationen"
              "tab": "Banküberweisung, Rücktauschen"
              "tab": "Schließung"
              "tab": "Andere Fragen zur Nutzung Ihres Barion-Kontos"
          "tab": "Business"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Barion-Konto Öffnung"
              "tab": "Barion-Konto aufladen"
              "tab": "Geldversand"
              "tab": "Geldempfang"
              "tab": "Kauf"
              "tab": "Limits"
              "tab": "Aufhebung der Grenzwerte (Limits) für Einzelpersonen"
              "tab": "Banküberweisung, Rücktauschen "
              "tab": "Schließung"
              "tab": "Andere Fragen zur Nutzung Ihres Barion-Kontos"
          "tab": "Persönliche"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Allgemeine Fragen"
              "tab": "API-bezogene fragen"
          "tab": "Entwickler"
      "en": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Open a Barion Wallet"
              "tab": "Send money"
              "tab": "Receive money"
              "tab": "Open and manage a shop"
              "tab": "Limits"
              "tab": "Raise the limits of your business account"
              "tab": "Bank transfer, withdrawal"
              "tab": "Close your account"
              "tab": "Other questions related to Barion wallet"
          "tab": "Business"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Open a Barion Wallet"
              "tab": "Top-up"
              "tab": "Send money"
              "tab": "Receive money"
              "tab": "Pay with Barion"
              "tab": "Limits"
              "tab": "Raise the limits of your personal account"
              "tab": "Bank transfer, withdrawal"
              "tab": "Close your account"
              "tab": "Other questions related to Barion wallet"
              "tab": "Barion shops – special systems on Hungary"
              "tab": "Parking (only available in Hungary!)"
          "tab": "Personal"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "General questions"
              "tab": "API related questions"
          "tab": "Developers"
      "hu": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Barion tárcanyitás"
              "tab": "Pénzküldés"
              "tab": "Pénzfogadás"
              "tab": "Elfogadóhely létrehozása és kezelése"
              "tab": "Limitek"
              "tab": "Limitek megszüntetése szervezetek esetén"
              "tab": "Banki átutalás, visszaváltás"
              "tab": "Tárca megszüntetés"
              "tab": "Egyéb Barion tárca használatával kapcsolatos kérdések"
          "tab": "Elfogadóhely"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Barion tárcanyitás"
              "tab": "Feltöltés"
              "tab": "Pénzküldés"
              "tab": "Pénzfogadás"
              "tab": "Vásárlás"
              "tab": "Limitek"
              "tab": "Limitek megszüntetése magánszemélyek esetén"
              "tab": "Banki átutalás, visszaváltás"
              "tab": "Tárca megszüntetés"
              "tab": "Egyéb Barion tárca használatával kapcsolatos kérdések"
              "tab": "Speciális rendszerek Magyarországon"
              "tab": "Parkolás"
          "tab": "Magánszemély"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Általános kérdések"
              "tab": "API-val kapcsolatos kérdések"
          "tab": "Fejlesztők"
      "sk": [
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Registrácia"
              "tab": "Zasielanie peňazí"
              "tab": "Prijímanie peňazí"
              "tab": "Prijímanie peniazi za nákup- Barion obchod integrácia"
              "tab": "Limity"
              "tab": "Odstrànenie limitov pre organizácie"
              "tab": "Bankový prevod, bankový transfer"
              "tab": "Zrušenie"
              "tab": "Otázky súvisiace s Barionom"
          "tab": "Firmy"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Registrácia"
              "tab": "Doplnenie"
              "tab": "Zasielanie peňazí"
              "tab": "Prijímanie peňazí"
              "tab": "Nakupovanie"
              "tab": "Limity"
              "tab": "Limity, identifikácia jednotlivcov"
              "tab": "Bankový prevod, bankový transfer"
              "tab": "Zrušenie"
              "tab": "Otázky súvisiace s Barionom"
          "tab": "Osoby"
          "subTabList": [
              "tab": "Všeobecné otázky"
              "tab": "Otázky týkajúce sa API"
          "tab": "Vývojár"
    "tabId": "helpmap"
  "firstPublished": 1647862590039,
  "folders": [],
  "id": "450e7b66ebde4dc587ba5c0e82fd50fa",
  "lastUpdateBy": null,
  "lastUpdated": 1691594811021,
  "lastUpdatedBy": "fS1jDahB5XQuu42YDYnFrvE2GNE3",
  "meta": {
    "kind": "data",
    "lastPreviewUrl": "",
    "originalContentId": "2b9afe10a982451294e33251adb7ef5a",
    "winningTest": null
  "metrics": {
    "clicks": 0,
    "impressions": 0
  "modelId": "dd53d75b17da4f7fa7f83ae90acd8c26",
  "name": "helpmap 2",
  "ownerId": "32f148657e2646be8562eb4e6ebfa190",
  "priority": -2355.5,
  "published": "published",
  "query": [],
  "testRatio": 1,
  "variations": {}

Hi @manish-sharma. I think the issue is more before Aug 9.
“helpmeta”: {
“faqmeta”: {
@type”: “@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue”
“texts”: {
@type”: “@builder.io/core:LocalizedValue”

These should not be empty, but in my plan I cannot see the previous versions of the data, can you please check where it is there? Also cc @TimG

@radikris it looks like content in those fields was last published on January 17, 2023. On Febuary 3, 2023 the content was removed by an admin account from your organization. There hasn’t been any content in those fields since February 3.

I should be able to recover the JSON content from that date and will send to you directly.

Let us know if you have any other questions! Considering the 30 day limit of your Growth plan, I would recommend cloning down your content whenever your site is at a good state for future reference. You can clone a space using our Admin API or CLI tool