NextJS App routeur cannot integrate dragped and drop content for Section


I am having a really hard time using and the section elements.
I tried a lot of things but none seems to work.
I try to build an article like section.

I am using nextJS and the APP Routeur

In my VIsual Builder I do see the article and I can add blocks to it but when publish it does not reflect on my page.

I only see the title on my page after publishing.

This is my page code

import React from "react";
import { builder } from "";
import { RenderBuilderContent } from "@/components/builder";
import Head from "next/head";

// Replace with your Public API Key

interface PageProps {
  params: {
    page: string[];

export default async function BlogArticle(props: PageProps) {
  const content = await builder
    .get("blog-post", {
      prerender: true,
      // Include references, like the `author` ref
      options: { includeRefs: true },
      query: {
        // Get the specific article by handle
        "data.slug": props?.params?.page?.join("/"),

  return (
        {/* Render meta tags from custom field */}
        {/* Render the Builder drag/droped content */}

This is my renderBuilderContent

interface BuilderPageProps {
  content: any;
  model: string;

export function RenderBuilderContent({ content, model }: BuilderPageProps) {
  const isPreviewing = useIsPreviewing();

  return <BuilderComponent content={content} model={model} />;

  return null;

Hello @LeoS,

Welcome to the forum!

Thank you for providing the integration code. To assist you further, could you please provide the Builder content link or API key associated with your account? This will allow us to better understand the context of your integration and provide more accurate assistance.

:slight_smile: ello thanks a lot !

My API key is : ```

FYI I juse NextJS 14 :)

Hello @LeoS,

Since you’re developing the app locally, troubleshooting the issue directly on your space isn’t feasible. Could you confirm whether changes to page model contents are reflected properly? If only the blog-post content changes are not reflected, we’ll need more details to investigate. If possible, please share a screen recording of your setup or provide a minimum reproducible code snippet.
