So, I want to use the data ‘repeat for each’ feature to make my section independent of the number of data items I have. Next to this, I would also like to be able to change the ordering based on my preferences without having to specify a special data field on which to base the ordering on. Now, my question is, is this possible?
Builder content link
What are you trying to accomplish
I want to change the ordering of the data ‘repeat for each’ option, without having to use a predefined ordering datafield.
Hi @DanielVerloop , yes this is definitely possible. Looking at your store it looks like you are using a Builder model, and the repeat feature will be based on the explicit order set in the Fish Tank content section in your content hub: Drag and drop page builder and CMS
To change the order, click the double line icon and drag the items to the order you want.
In order to have your change populate on the site you may need to re-bind the data for it to show the updated order. I have gone ahead and done that in your store, please check it out and let me know if you have any other questions
@DanielVerloop ideally the order would be set from the API before being bound in Builder. That being said, if you want to manipulate data from an API, you can do so in the JS/CSS editor within the data tab.