QWIK api returns 500 status

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Builder content link
Builder.io: Visual Development Platform

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Detailed steps to reproduce the bug


    "status": 500,
    "message": "Error: The <Type> of the JSX element must be either a string or a function. Instead, it's a \"undefined\": undefined."

Code stack you are integrating Builder with

Reproducible code example

curl --location 'https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/qwik/marketing-fe-alpha?apiKey=a73e01a1c6a34697ab20d49c30aab093&userAttributes.urlPath=%2F&includeUnpublished=true'
<script async src="https://cdn.builder.io/js/qwik/qwikloader.js"></script>
    (async () => {
        const qwikUrl = new URL('https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/qwik/marketing-fe-alpha');
        qwikUrl.searchParams.set('apiKey', 'a73e01a1c6a34697ab20d49c30aab093');
        qwikUrl.searchParams.set('userAttributes.urlPath', '/');
        qwikUrl.searchParams.set('includeUnpublished', true);

        const response = await fetch(qwikUrl);
        const { html } = await response.json();
        document.querySelector('#marketing-area').innerHTML = html;

Hey @chaewon It appears that your live page is currently inaccessible, which might be contributing to the error with the QWIK API. I’ve attached a screenshot for your reference.

I’ve tested this on my space and found that the QWIK API is functioning as expected.

Sorry @sheema, I attached the test environment live page. I’ll share the live page you can access.
Builder content link
Builder.io: Visual Development Platform

Hey @chaewon I created a test page in your space with the url path as /builder-test. I am able to get the results from the QWIK API https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/qwik/marketing-fe?apiKey=a73e01a1c6a34697ab20d49c30aab093&userAttributes.urlPath=/builder-test&includeUnpublished=true. I suspect in your case the issue is with the value of the url-path.