Hi, is there any possibility for me to show preview of image in options menu.
i only see cloud icon
Hi @Ischafak
It should be visible. In order for me to be able to help you, could you please provide me with the Builder Content Entry link where you’re experiencing an issue this will further my investigation?
Here is how to find it:
hi, thanks for responding i have sent you via dm
@Ischafak Thank you for sharing. Based on the provided details, this looks like an excellent feature request. I recommend submitting it at https://ideas.builder.io/
Our engineering team regularly reviews requests based on a number of factors: benefits, added value, technical fit, votes, and feasibility. As your Feature Request progresses through our review process, you will be kept updated.
I would also encourage you to review other Feature Requests already listed and add your vote on the features you would like to see!
Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas with us.