Text fields height buggy behaviour

When editing text fields I am getting errors having a bigger height than the one I set up. Removing o changing height or line-height doesn’t make any difference.

Here you have a video of the error I am having. I am integrating the page with Next.js

I think it can be related to the complexity added by the rich editor. In my case, I only need one style for the whole text, and having a styling for the outer element and a different one for the rich editor makes it a bit strange and unintuitive.

Hi @peiboloski,

Welcome to the forum post on Builder.io.

We tried reproducing the issue ourselves but couldn’t do so. Therefore, we suspect that the problem may be caused by global CSS overriding the default line-height for text boxes in Builder. If you’re still facing the issue, we recommend inspecting the text using the browser’s dev tools. This will help you determine if the problem is being caused by the Builder CSS or some other CSS from your codebase.

Thank you,