Hello, it is my first day using builder. I am trying to make my video play on hover, and stop on leave. Like the YouTube hover preview. I am not finding this to be doable within the visual editor(animate), am I missing a possible way to do this or will I need to program manually?
I am comfortable programming but not so much with web dev. My page is overall very simple and I don’t plan to integrate any additional js libraries but from searching around I am not seeing a way to do this with css only, is that correct?
any suggestions on how to achieve this easily would be very appreciated
This is definitely doable within Builder, and you are correct in your assessment that this would not be possible from the Animation tab! You would actually want to set up a custom action on the video element based on mouseEnter/mouseExit utilizing the HTML video APIs.
One of our amazing support specialists actually put together a quick demo in one of our demo spaces. If you click the video element, and navigate to the Data tab you can see how the custom action handlers work:
Check it out and let us know if you have any other issues or questions!