404 This page could not be found / componentWillMount has been renamed / roperty 'isStatic' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes

Iv tried to follow the instructions regarding the security content and everything should be working ok, but its still showing me this message.

I think its because of the componentWillMount but i couldnt find in the code, its telling me to update on:

Please update the following components: BuilderPage
in BuilderPage (at Navbar.tsx:62)
in div (at Navbar.tsx:61)
in Navbar (at Layout.tsx:25)
in div (at Layout.tsx:24)
in Context.Provider (at CommerceProvider.tsx:69)
in CommerceProvider (at Layout.tsx:23)
in Layout (at _app.tsx:26)
in Context.Provider
in Unknown (at context.tsx:183)
in Context.Provider (at context.tsx:170)
in UIProvider (at context.tsx:182)
in ManagedUIContext (at _app.tsx:25)
in Fragment
in MyApp
in Unknown
in Context.Provider
in Context.Provider
in Context.Provider

wich is imported from ‘@builder.io/react’.

Also isStatic does not exist, plus a few more other properties from “IntrinsicAttributes”.
I might be missing updates or, i dont know…

Hi @LeTigreStore, thanks for reaching out! Can you specify which set of instructions regarding the security content you were following with your setup? Thanks!

Im not following any security content instructions, i just cant work if it because of those errors. Probably this is the main one for the moment:

Please update the following components: BuilderPage
in BuilderPage (at Navbar.tsx:62)

Could you help me? :confused:

Would you mind sharing reproduction steps, a code sandbox, or a github repo so we take a look? Thanks!