Add feature- Gift Note for customer ordering a gift on shopify site

Hello- We’d like to add “gift note” to our shopping experience when the customer purchases a gift. This exists in shopify but with builder, we are not able to integrate it. It is in the check out process but I’d also be open to it on the product page before the customer adds to cart. Thanks for your feedback.

Hi :wave: @tarasuperkin - We will we make sure to get this in our feature backlog and update here when that is being worked on! Appreciate the feedback!

Hey @tarasuperkin - by “gift note” do you mean order notes? I am having trouble googling gift notes for Shopify but if you can link us to the feature so we can see the precise details we can look into adding this to your template

Yes, order notes :slight_smile:

Hi Tara! I added an Order Notes field to your Cart page, let us know if you run into any issues!