Have a feature request or idea? Submit it to Builder at ideas.builder.io

Have an idea you’d like to see implemented within Builder? Feedback on a pain point you think we could improve? We’d love to hear from you !


Ideas.builder.io is our new user submissions page, where our users can submit feedback and feature requests, as well as vote on other user’s submissions. It’s our newest tool to help us listen to feedback directly from our users, and it has already helped inform our product development in a very real way!

Check it out, let us know if you have any ideas, and jump into the conversations already in progress!

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Perfect, thanks.

Also, by any chance, do you have a public roadmap to check what’s coming in the next few months and to avoid posting an idea that’s “Work In Progress”?

@christopher_dev we do not have this currently, but I think it could be a great idea in the future! Perhaps even a good topic for ideas.builder.io :wink: Ill pass it along to the team!