What to do with this information ? page is loaded but componennt still is being loaded in editor
VM1324:1 Another version of Vue Devtools seems to be installed. Please enable only one version at a time.
What to do with this information ? page is loaded but componennt still is being loaded in editor
VM1324:1 Another version of Vue Devtools seems to be installed. Please enable only one version at a time.
Hi Artur,
It’s difficult to tell without more context. Would you be willing to share a minimal reproduction of your repo so I can take a look? Is this only happening for a specific custom component?
I think for every component it happens
Another version of Vue Devtools seems to be installed. Please enable only one version at a time.
r @ unknown
205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074 quill Overwriting modules/imageResize with ƒ f(v){var E=this,S=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{};l(this,f),this.initializeModules=function(){E.removeModules(),E.modules=E.moduleClasses.map(function(C){return new(P[C]||C)…
_ @ 205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074
205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074 quill Overwriting formats/link with class me extends v0{static create(R){let X=R;const s0=super.create(X);return X=this.sanitize(X),X.startsWith(“https://”)||X.startsWith(“http://”)||X.startsWith(“//”)||s0.removeAttribute(“target”),s0}}
_ @ 205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074
205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074 quill Overwriting formats/indent with G
_ @ 205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074
205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074 quill Overwriting formats/script with class j0 extends n0{constructor(R,X,s0){super(R,X,s0)}static create(R){if(R===“super”){const X=document.createElement(“sup”);return X.style.verticalAlign=“super”,X.style.fontSize=“smaller”,X}if(R===“sub”){…
_ @ 205.60b4f8bf.chunk.js:3074
fs.js:3 [mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX
r @ fs.js:3
fs.js:3 “default export” is deprecated, please use “named LDClient export”
r @ fs.js:3
fs.js:3 [mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX
r @ fs.js:3
fs.js:3 Wootric: Warning: Invalid created_at, expecting 10-digit Unix timestamp in seconds.
fs.js:3 [mobx.array] Attempt to read an array index (0) that is out of bounds (0). Please check length first. Out of bound indices will not be tracked by MobX
r @ fs.js:3
cdn.builder.io/api/v1/shopify/themes.json?apiKey=73201e4d3a844f44aae31bd3b1773f6e:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
main.1f714e0c.chunk.js:5 Uncaught (in promise) Could not evaluate in iframe, doesnt exist!
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho/sourceMap/chrome/scripts/content_scroll_mid_detection.map: System error: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
Hi Artur,
At first glance it looks like you have two package-lock.json files in the same folder, is that right? It also doesn’t look like the DynamicallyRenderBuilerPage file is in the src or components folder.
Hi Artur,
It looks like this is actually your node_modules folder. Can you try moving the DynamicallyRenderBuilerPage file into the components folder?
I also recommend checking out one of our Vue example repositories in our GitHub for a starter example: builder/examples/vue at main · BuilderIO/builder · GitHub
Ive moved file DynamicallyRenderBuilderPage
and package-lock.json dont have at all
I think it might be easiest for you to copy our Vue3 starter example here to get started: builder/examples/vue/vue-3 at main · BuilderIO/builder · GitHub
which package-lock.json should i delete?
Sorry for the confusion, you don’t need to delete anything!
ok I wont do this
I have information about vite in my cdm, should t be this vue 3 ?
C:\data\figma1\project2>npm run dev
project2@0.0.0 dev
VITE v3.1.8 ready in 5907 ms
âžś Local: http://localhost:5173/
âžś Network: use --host to expose
Hi Artur,
You can learn more about vite & vue here: Tooling | Vue.js