Embed Video to Image ( Desktop x Mobile )

Hello guys, I need some help here to understand the platform.
In the Desktop I have this particular embed video but I want to change when it becomes Mobile to a image, because the video is stopping but the user of the mobile is downloading the video, so the performance is not so good :frowning:

Example of what I have with code block for desktop:

<div class="video-wrapper">
  <video autoplay muted loop class="video">

The question is more about how to keep the video for the desktop and choose an image for the mobile:

Hi @LumberJackDev,

Welcome to builder.io forum.

To keep the video for the desktop and choose an image for the mobile, one way you can achieve this is to have both of them and hide the image for the desktop and the video for mobile from the style tab → visibility.

Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you!

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Cool, Manish, I’ll try that, thanks very much for the support.

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