Filter Connect Data with Query, showing unpublished and scheduled items

Hi, I connected a data model on a page (using the data tab option) on builder and then use data binding to show the info of each entry for the inputted data set, I use repeat for each entry and it works great, my only problem is on the connect data part, when using a query rule to filter the results, I’m using “if published is publish” to show only entries published, but it’s also showing expired and programmed entries (per the page scheduler)

is there any way to filter only the published elements or to create a rule where if the expired date set on the item is lower than the todays date.

is this possible to achieve in the visual editor?
Thank you in advance and I hope this explains well.

Hello @oscar.tyndale,

Welcome to the forum.

We are unable to reproduce this possible issue, would you be able to share the builder content link where you are having this issue?

Additionally, you can try reverse logic i.e. Published Is not “Draft” and see how that works for you.

Hello @oscar.tyndale,

I appreciate your report, and I was able to reproduce the issue on your space, though regrettably, I couldn’t replicate it on my end. We understand the importance of resolving this promptly.

As a temporary workaround, we recommend using the startdate parameter for your query until we conduct a thorough investigation.

Thank you manish! but I can’t compare that with the current date, how do I pull the current day? I tried $currentDate, “{{ now() }}”, new Date() but I don’t think that’s possible on the custom query field.

Hello @oscar.tyndale,

I wanted to inform you that we have identified a potential issue related to recent changes, and our team is actively investigating the matter. We are discussing this internally and will share next steps with you as soon as possible.

Thank you~

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