Google Fonts Not Working from Second Element Onward

Please fill out as many of the following questions as possible so we can help you promptly! If you don’t know how to answer or it does not apply, feel free to remove it or leave it blank.

Builder content link
e.g. Visual Development Platform

Builder public api key
go to Visual Development Platform and copy your PUBLIC api key

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug
e.g. Add a text component and assign a Google font through the editing panel, it will work perfectly. When you add another text component and add the same font to this new component, considers the @font-face previously added by itself as a font added by my application, thus no longer adding the @font-face from the

Screenshots or video link
data.customFonts returned from the when successful

data.customFonts returned from when error

However, I did not add this font ‘Pathway Gothic One’ to my project, only through

Code stack you are integrating Builder with
e.g. NextJS, react, Shopify
NextJS App Router

Reproducible code example
If you are having integration errors, please link to codesandbox or copy and paste your problematic code here. The more detail the better!