How to change the default preview width for tablet device?

In the visual editor, when I switch to tablet device, the default tablet width that get displayed is 642px. I am able to reduce or increase it by dragging the sides of the screen.

My question is whether it is possible to change the default width?
e.g. When I switch to tablet view, the default width loaded should be 820px. (which can of course be increased/decreased)

For our site, 642px loads the mobile view and it takes extra steps of dragging the sides to load the tablet view and then refreshing it. I want to change this default 642px so that the content editor can easily switch to tablet view without having to train them specifically on how to change to tablet each time.

Could you please help me with this?

Hi @olivela,

At the moment, changing the default preview editor breakpoint is not possible. Our developer’s team are working on it since we had a similar request from other users.

You can check our ideas page for the same and upvote. Thank you!