Is there any update when integrate with Hydrogen version 2 (Remix)

I’m using Hydrogen version 2 and connecting to Builder IO, everything was running normally until I create a Symbol and add it to the page. It have a bug and cannot render the Symbol. When remove the symbol it’s back to normal. Any help for this.
Thanks you all.

Hi @ducanh,

Could you please confirm which SDK version you are using?

I’m using version 3.0.1.

Hi @ducanh,

We are not able to reproduce this possible issue anymore, we can see the symbol rendering fine in the editor, let us know if you still have any concerns or questions. Thank you!

Hi @manish-sharma

Step to reproduce:
Install Hydrogen

Hi @ducanh,

We were able to verify that this is a potential bug in the application, and we have escalated it internally to our engineering team for further investigation and final resolution.

We will let you know when it is fixed.

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Thank you @manish-sharma

Hi @manish-sharma
The same error occur when binding element with event and data model.

Hi @ducanh,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will try to reproduce this and update you once we have a possible fix. Thank you!

Hi @manish-sharma

We will start the project next week (Builder IO as headless CMS and Hydrogen 2 as headless commerce), so hope you can fix this soon.
Thanks so much.

Hello @ducanh,

You can certainly expect the symbol rendering issue to be fixed over the weekend, however, it will still probably leave the issues with data bindings. Our product team they are working on this with priority and we will update you as soon as we have any insights from them. Thank you!

Hello @ducanh,

We have done a release with a possible fix with our latest SDK, could you please upgrade to ` version and see if that fixes the issue?

hi @manish-sharma

The issue with symbol and data-binding render have been fixed, but there is a small problem here: the style is missing when the layout have symbol or data-binding.


Here is the error log and screenshot:

Hello @ducanh,

Just wanted to update you that our product team still working on this fix, and we will update you as soon as we have any insights from them. Thank you!

Hello @ducanh,

We have tried fixing the reported issue with the SDK version , would you be able to upgrade and check if the issue still persists?

Hi @manish-sharma

The issue have been fixed.

Thank you very much.