Issue with file/image upload field


When I use the file image/upload field I am getting two different types rendering, Upload => Can only upload a new image, resulting in duplicate images being uploaded. Choose photo => Opens the media manager where I can select an existing image or upload a new image.

Examples of this can be found at Drag and drop page builder and CMS, but are not limited to this page.

Choose photo is showing in my custom component Banner which is registered in the following way:

Builder.registerComponent(Banner, {
	name: 'Banner',
	inputs: [
			name: 'image',
			type: 'object',
			friendlyName: 'Background',
			subFields: [
					name: 'url',
					type: 'file',
					helperText: 'Dimension: 1280 x 720 px Size: < 500 KB',
					allowedFileTypes: [
					name: 'alt',
					type: 'string',

Upload is showing in my page model for my Open Graph image, ideally this needs to be Choose photo not upload.



Hey @niftycode - that type of button depends on what allowedFileTypes are specified. If unspecified, we show a generic “upload file” button, if specified to only image types, we show the photo pickers. If you link me to a page that is showing the wrong picker type ( I can look into what is misconfigured for you