JavaScript does not evaluate in Text components

When using curly braces to evaluate a JavaScript expression in a basic Text component, the JavaScript is not evaluated consistently. In the attached video you can see the steps to reproduce the bug:

  1. Create a basic Text component.
  2. Enter a JavaScript expression in curly braces. It evaluates and renders correctly.
  3. Refresh the page. Now the expression is no longer being evaluated.
  4. Type into the text component. It will start evaluating and rendering correctly again.
  5. Refresh the page. Now the expression is no longer being evaluated.
  6. Repeat…

Video: builderio-expression-bug.webm - Google Drive
Builder content link: Drag & Drop Headless CMS
Builder public api key: cdea98614de745fdb32a17d23b2dc508
Stack: I noticed the bug in a NextJS app, but for the video I reproduced it using the fallback editor with no integration.

Hi @nicluciano, Thank you for bringing this up, however, this is not a bug. Rich text editor will render everything as text. For this, you can use a Custom code block, or for text block use Data Bindings.

Video:- Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom