List of references not being populated with enrich nor includeRefs GraphQl API

Builder content link
archive page

Builder public api key

What are you trying to accomplish
I’m trying to create a gatsby page based on the archive page model shown above. When I write the grapghql query to retrieve all the page content I’m not able to get the complete model respose for blogPostCategories and pinnedBlogPosts which are a list of references to some data models. I tried using enrich: true, includeRefs: true and includesubRefs: true without success (tried them together and separated).

Code stack you are integrating Builder with
This is the query used

query Test {
  oneArchive(options: {enrich: true, includeRefs: true, includesubRefs: true}) {
    data {

And this is always the response:

"data": {
    "oneArchive": {
      "data": {
        "title": "Inside the Trading Room",
        "documentMeta": {
          "@type": "",
          "model": "document-meta",
          "id": "7b26be1ba9de42678e14d8b1998b4e0d"
        "slug": "resource",
        "lede": "The latest and greatest news, articles and thoughts from the Sporttrade team.",
        "blogPostCategories": [
            "blogPostCategory": {
              "@type": "",
              "model": "blog-post-category",
              "id": "dfd5fff4ba0c4e54bea40af57596c921"
            "blogPostCategory": {
              "@type": "",
              "model": "blog-post-category",
              "id": "3ca6de655f65483b9ac2fbe0ebc63ef2"
        "pinnedBlogPosts": [
            "pinnedBlogPost": {
              "@type": "",
              "model": "blog-post",
              "id": "38e1c3a48ab3441bbe33a849be321e50"
            "pinnedBlogPost": {
              "@type": "",
              "model": "blog-post",
              "id": "19c3999efe02448ca9233898f22c3a1e"

Was my bad :sweat_smile: the entries which were not being populated were indeed empty.