Loader issue with builder.io/sdk-vue/vue-2

Can someone help me with the above issue?

Hello @deven733,

Welcome to the Builder.io forum.

Could you please clarify if you’re using the Builder Vue 2 example, or if it’s a custom setup you’re working with? To better understand your issue and offer assistance, it would be helpful if you could share any reproducible code or steps you’ve encountered. If you’re using the Builder Vue 2 example, you can find it here:

Best regards,

Hi Manish, thanks for replying.

so I was trying to integrate builder in our current codebase, I was facing the above issue but I have managed to resolve it by making some changes in the library versions that I had used earlier.

but I am facing a new issue related to websocket and communicating with builder io with localhost

could you please help me with this issue?


Hello @deven733,

Can you confirm which node version are you using currently?

Hey, I am using node v16.17.0

Hello @deven733,

You can try removing the node_modules folder and then running npm install or yarn install command, which could possibly resolve the issue

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