We can have links that scroll to some content inside the same page as described in this doc Linking within pages in Builder.io - Builder.io.
But at the moment if we click such a link with hash URL (starts from #
) it would update the current page URL to the root page instead of staying on the same page, see demo video
Steps to reproduce
Set up a new project using https://github.com/BuilderIO/nextjs-shopify
- Create a Button and set its URL to
(starts from “#”) - (optionally) create a Box and add a custom element attribute “id” with value “id-section”
- Click “View current draft”, the page would have a long URL like this
- Now click the Button, the page URL in the browser would be updated to the root page
Expected behavior: the URL should stay the same and only hash #id-section
should be added at the end of the URL so the URL should become https://jolly-wozniak-731104.netlify.app/landing-poc-tests?builder.cachebust=true&builder.preview=page&builder.noCache=true&__builder_editing__=true&builder.overrides.page=33a8fa71eac04355a103b08566ea2477&builder.overrides.33a8fa71eac04355a103b08566ea2477=33a8fa71eac04355a103b08566ea2477&builder.overrides.page:/landing-poc-tests=33a8fa71eac04355a103b08566ea2477#id-section