Hi, i want to create a pricing page with builder io. The url should be …/en/prices for english locale …/pt/precos for portuguese page.
Is it possible for me to do that without duplicate the page
We have localization in our builderio package
Hi, i want to create a pricing page with builder io. The url should be …/en/prices for english locale …/pt/precos for portuguese page.
Is it possible for me to do that without duplicate the page
We have localization in our builderio package
Hi Ischafak,
Thank you for contacting Builder.io Support! I look forward to helping you with your request.
You should be able to do this.
We have documentation that could help you with this.
Additionally, you should find help at the following forum post:
Let us know how it goes.
Thank you,
Hi fernando first of all thank you so much for your reply.
in forum comment i see this
am i missing something
for inline translation
there is no problem btw
userAttributes: { locale: locale2 },
locale: locale2,
i made something like this.it works well but i just want different url for different languages
So as i understand it is not possible for builderio now
Hello @Ischafak,
I hope you were able to localize the URLs. I hope that resolves the issue. Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions.
ok i figured it out thanks
Hello Ischafak,
Thank you for confirming that your issue is resolved, I will now close this ticket.