Mapping to a Custom Component Library using the Figma to HTML Plugin

Builder public api key

What are you trying to accomplish
We would like to explore a process where we can design pages in Figma using the PrimeNG Figma component library, then use the Figma to HTML plugin convert these to their corresponding PrimeNG angular components, which are registered in the Builder. These can then be exported to code, effectively creating a direct pipeline from a Figma design to Angular code using PrimeNG.

For example, I was able to map this PrimeNG button with the following properties

Which was mapped with the following Mapping Function

// Customize this to map Figma properties and layers to your React props
function getIconByFigmaID(figma: FigmaButtonProps, figmaId: string): string | undefined {
  const name = figma.$children.find((child) =>
    child?.$type === "INSTANCE" ?
      child?.$rawNode?.mainComponent?.id === figmaId
      : child?.$rawNode?.id === figmaId
  return !!name ? `pi pi-${name}` : undefined

function Mapper(figma: FigmaButtonProps) {

  return (
      label={figma.Button ?? figma.$children[1]?.$textContent}
        figma["Show Left Icon"]
          ? getIconByFigmaID(figma, figma?.["Left Icon"]?.props?.figmaId)
          : figma["Show Right Icon"]
            ? getIconByFigmaID(figma, figma?.["Right Icon"]?.props?.figmaId)
            : undefined}
      iconPos={figma["Show Left Icon"] ? "left" : figma["Show Right Icon"] ? "right" : undefined}
      disabled={figma.Disabled === "True"}
      raised={figma.Raised === "True"}
      rounded={figma.Rounded === "True"}
      text={figma.Text === "True"}
      outlined={figma.Outlined === "True"}
      link={figma.Link === "True"}
      plain={figma.Severity === "Plain"}

This appeared great in the builder, and created the following code export using the “High Quality” setting

    <section class="box-border flex relative flex-col shrink-0 mt-5 h-[200px]">
        label="Add new product"
        icon="pi pi-plus"

This is great! However, I ran into problems trying to export this Search input:


The code I would like generated should look something akin to

<p-iconField iconPosition="left">
    <p-inputIcon styleClass="pi pi-search" />
    <input type="text" pInputText placeholder="Search" />

The problem arises when trying to map this. The Figma plugin lets me map from the input component and the _input-content component.

In a mapping function, I would have to map the input Figma component to the <p-iconField> with the nested <p-inputIcon>. Then, the _input-content could be mapped to an <input pInputText> tag (notice the angular directive here to make it work).

This is starting to get complicated very fast, and I can’t quite get a mapping function working. Is this use case pushing the plugin beyond its limits, or is there a better way to achieve a mapping to PrimeNG components?


Code stack you are integrating Builder with
Angular, using PrimeNG and Figma.

Hello @logan4,

Welcome to the forum!

If the generated code requires further modifications, you can edit the mapping function in Figma before importing the code, or use AI prompts to achieve the desired results. We are continually working to improve the quality of the generated code, and over time, you can expect these issues to be addressed.
