Not receiving updated responce from Graphql

Hey Builder Team ,

I have an issue where i am not receiving the updated respoce though grpahql query upon making a change in Builder doc . It is very strange to see that i don’t see the right reponce even after waiting for long and have to make the query multiple times to get the actual data .

Here is an example query that i tested where i performed below steps :

  1. made a change in this doc like , added a free product ID :
  2. was testing the query in graphql explorer and had to make the query multiple times before i see the updated changes , irrespective of waiting for a long (just though that Builder server may not have the updated response) .

Loom explaining the issue : Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

Query :

query {
cartStaging {

Hello @SrittamMishra,

To resolve this consider using cachebust: true option in your graphql query


query {
     cartStaging(options: { cachebust:true}) {

That solves the problem @manish-sharma . Thanks !

A quick question @manish-sharma ,

Is there a graphql query to get a filtered list of all the news articles based on a serach term in an input filed ?

We have this list of News which is of total 127 . So can we filter out those news list which has the title kroma throuhg grpahql ?

Hello @SrittamMishra,

Yes, you can certainly filter list or articles based on input fields


query {
  page(query: {  data: { title: "someValue" }}, limit: 1) { 
    data {