Optimizing menu in mobile

Hey everyone!

Thanks for checking out this problem. I’m stuck somewhere & your help will be greatly appreciated.

  1. How do I remove this top menu while keeping the actual one?
  1. How do I make these elements stack side by side (and remove collections & categories) from the mobile screen (while keeping in desktop)?
  1. How do I add the menu elements like hamburger when clicked upon the symbol?

Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

THis is the link for 3rd issue

  1. How do I add the menu elements like hamburger when clicked upon the symbol?

Hi @fiverr.roiwizard!

If you could send a link to the Builder page(s) you’re working on (builder.io/content/…), I’d be happy to take a look and help answer your questions!

Here’s the link for the home page where my menu resides


  1. Are you using a starter kit? I took a look and the menu you’re referring to doesn’t live in Builder. I would recommend checking out your code and remove the menu there.

  2. In your header entry you can select the columns → open the options tab → choose “show advanced” → select “never” for “stack columns at”.

  1. The current hamburger menu in your header is an image. You can follow this state and actions guide to build out a hamburger menu in Builder. Another option would be to use Builder’s hamburger menu template which you can find in the template library in the insert tab. Then you can add content to the menu. Is this what you’re looking to achieve?