But I am not able to get the field from the content object. But according to this Gatsby example these additional fields should be in the content.data object.
I opened the GraphQL Explorer in your space but noticed the fields in the banner model were deleted and there isn’t any content created, so I’m unable to test this on my end. I was able to query the custom fields on your page model though below. If you add the custom fields back to the banner model, I’d be happy to investigate further on why the fields weren’t showing.
Thank you for the response. But that is not the space that Im currently working on. I can share the public api key if you want.
In that space currently I have created a model called banner and that has a custom field name isActive. Although now I can query custom fields of page model like so
@shehan glad its showing on https://builder.io/graphql-explorer now! Could you try stopping the development server, running gatsby clean, and then start the development server again? Let me know if this works.
Yea after couple of times running gatsby clean and starting the server it worked. Im not sure whats causing this delay. In a production environment this would be a something annoying.