Scary, misleading copy text when resyncing an environment

I place this in bugs because documentation bugs are bugs, too :slight_smile:.

When resyncing a child environment from the main one, this modal appears:

CleanShot 2023-02-17 at 10.45.53

Note that it says that you’re about to sync the content of the child environment “to” the main one. “To” should read “from.”

Our team hesitated quite a bit before pressing the button because we were scared that prod would get written over by dev.

While I’m on the topic, “any models and contents” would read more idiomatically if it were phrased as “any models or content items.” Or even better, rewrite the whole sentence to be more explicit: “This action will override all changes made to models and content items in ____, overwriting them with models and content items from ____.”

Hi @ersin,

Thanks for reporting this misleading text, we really appreciate that.

A request has been raised to correct this, we will try and update you as soon as we have any insights on this. Thank you!

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