Hello, builder io Team,
Hope you are doing well.
I have a question that may require your assistance. As you have guessed from the title my question is related to SDK gen 2. I have migrated API calls as well as everything else to SDK gen 2 but i am not sure for one thing whether it is properly done or not.
Project deps (in case you find it helpful):
"dependencies": {
"@builder.io/dev-tools": "1.1.25",
"@builder.io/react": "^5.0.11",
"@builder.io/sdk": "3.0.7",
"@builder.io/sdk-react": "^3.0.3",
"@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss": "^6.0.0",
"@next/bundle-analyzer": "^15.0.3",
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.20",
"next": "14.2.16",
"postcss": "^8.4.47",
"react": "18.3.1",
"react-dom": "18.3.1"
Back, months ago, when we were setting up article in our website we went trough this guide and the result was this (a pastebin link - mind you, this is the migrated version).
So what i want is to understand if this migration is properly done:
in the pastebin i provided above we import the componet like this from the gen 2 SDK like this:
const LazyBuilderComponent = lazy(() =>
import('@builder.io/sdk-react').then((module) => ({
default: module.Content,
Which is according to the documentation, but what i could not find is a migration guide for this wrapper component (in the pastebin it is called BuilderContentComponentWrapper
So please do take a look at the provided pastebin and tell if everything has been done properly. If not, please provide some guidance and help ?