I have a persistent issue where my collections on my app are not consistent with what is in the shopify store. I am seeing old products that have been deleted and I am not seeing new products that I have added or updated. I have a build hook set up for whenever a product is edited. Any reason this might be happening? Here is the collection page: Seven Collection - Headless Demo
Hey @fakejohnpope, can you tell us more about your set up-- your tech stack, where you host your products, any details that may help us investigate! When you make changes such as adding new products, are they available after a delay or you don’t ever see them become available?
There seems to be a big problem with my products and collections updating. For example, the getAllCollections method in operations-builder seems to be fetching every collection I have ever created in the store:
collections: [
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I got some notifications a while back that my product and collection webhooks were failing. I just added webhooks back in for update, create, and delete of product and collection, but there are still issues where, for example, when I delete an item in a collection, my app is still trying to fetch it and is crashing when it returns undefined.
Maybe I don’t have my webhooks configured correctly?
Sorry, to clarify, tech stack is nextjs with builder and shopify store.