Do I need a dynamic preview URL?

hi @habbeda apologies for delay here! Could you share a snippet of your code how you are integrating these blog pages to Builder?

As for the preview URL, and when to use a dynamic URL…there could be any number of reasons to use a dynamic URL, particularly if you are using templatized pages with content that is based on a slug… so in the instance you shared a blog is often a great use case for this!

Keep in mind, this logic is only for the preview URL in the builder editor, it doesn’t directly write the url of the live page. Generally, the url should match, but how the url is generated and routing is set would be handled in your app and then the preview url should point to where your content in your app will eventually live.

By using a dynamic URL you can templatize the blog page so that you don’t have to create a builder entry for every single page, you can just preview each entry based on the slug. You might find this forum post helpful: Using Advanced Editing URL Logic to set up dynamic preview URLs

Let me know if this helps clarify, happy to provide some examples if that is helpful, and please share any snippets to take a look at why your code migth bedelayed!

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