Dropdowns behaving differently across pages

My team and I are having an issue with the templated dropdowns behaving differently on pages created within the last week. On pages created more than one week ago, the dropdowns handle the initial state correctly and will at most flash their content but then stay closed. On pages created within the last week, it appears the initial state and/or styles are not getting set correctly so the dropdowns stay open every time the page loads. You can see the bug in action in this video:


This does not happen when you view any of the pages in the visual editor. This also happens on localhost as well as our productions deployment.

Code stack you are integrating Builder with
We are using Next.js 14 with the pages directory setup, deployed on Vercel. I have seen previous blog posts concerning related issues that point to Vercel being the cause, but I am not sure that is true in this case as the problem persists on localhost and that the time-based nature of the split in behavior is still evident in both environments.


Would you be able to provide me with the URL of the Pages in the Visual Editor where you’re seeing the unwanted behavior on your drop downs?

Hi Julius,

Here is a couple of links to pages that aren’t working:

Most of our pages use a shared symbol for the header which you can find here https://builder.io/content/ddd0490e595945cba3a775b741918a6c. We created the second page listed without the symbol to test if that was the source of the issue but it didn’t seem to have any effect.

Apologies for the late response Imarsiske,

I’m taking a look at the links provided and am unable to reproduce the “sticking open” on the dropdowns when viewing in the Life Draft Preview. Are you still experiencing the issue?

Please feel free to reach out to our Support team at support@builder.io.

Thank you,