Header + Footer creates problematic scroll within scroll

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When I enable the header + footer to be shown from our website, it creates a strange user experience on mobile (scroll within scroll is the best way to describe it). There’s also excessive space above the header. (Please see the screenshot)

Hi @racheldbailey,

It looks like you can resolve this issue by removing some custom css you added to the page:

custom css

Can you share more about why you added this?

I believe this was actually added to remove excess padding on the right-hand side of the page on a previous version. (It fixed the issue.)

Thanks for letting me know. If you want to remove that styling I can help you resolve the padding issue as well.

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Ok I removed the custom css that was added, and that fixed the scroll within scroll issue. Thank you.

Now we just need to fix the padding issue. :slight_smile:

Great! This css should solve the issue for you:

html, body {
    overflow-x: hidden;