How do i make the URL Path targeting NOT case sensitive?

For example, I have a page model that targets /quality-standards.cfm
If I enter the url with /Quality-standards.cfm
It will not render anything as it is looking for exactly “/quality-standards.cfm”.

I have tried setting the urlPath to be toLowerCase() but it is not working.

options = {
      userAttributes: {
        urlPath: window.location.pathname.toLowerCase(), // set url path to lowercase because builder url targeting is case sensitive

the original URL path seems to keep overriding it. the payload is still /the original URL path seems to keep overriding it.

How do I make the url path targeting not case sensitive?

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you be able to lowercase the url path into a variable before inputing it into the object? It may have to do with the process of when the Javascript gets run.

Hi @nicke920 !

I have tried that as well and I was not able to get it working.

i noticed it says deprecated? i tried setting the urlPath to just a random string and I was still not able to see my change. am i doing something wrong?