How scalable is Builder? We have millions of hits a day, can Builder keep up with my high traffic site?

The short answer is yes. Builder can keep up with just about any demand load, and we already support billions of API requests a month.

But this isn’t necessarily due to any Builder-exclusive special sauce, this has more to do with our general approach to building apps. At Builder, we focus on industry-leading, cutting edge technologies that are extensible, flexible and scalable on-demand. This approach permeates all of our features we build, and indeed even the architecture we implemented when first designing Builder itself.

So how do we do this? The answer is actually pretty simple! Our backend was designed to be completely elastic, which is to say it can scale up and down pretty much instantly.

Firstly, we use serverless databases from major providers. They handle billions of records and scale up and down on demand, depending on traffic.

But beyond that, we also utilize an industry leading CDN to provide multiple layers of caching to ensure users around the globe get immediate results no matter what traffic demands may spike at any given moment. In fact the absolute vast majority of users will usually only get responses from the CDN and never even hit our backend or databases directly.

And the beauty of this architecture is that even if our backend should fail, or the database goes down (either of which would only happen in the case of internet-wide issues from major players like Google) the CDN will continue to serve the most recent content so that end users never notice the difference.

And this is all by design! By utilizing the most up to date techniques and tools available for building modern web apps, we ensure that all of our users, and more importantly their end users don’t see a difference in speed and response time whether it be at 3am on a random Tuesday or 9am in the height of Black Friday sales.

Finally, all changes and updates to our code are hidden behind feature flags and easy to roll back. So we are constantly monitoring automated reports and in constant contact with our customers to make sure in the rare case where we DO have an issue, we can instantly roll it back and revert to our last working state.

It’s almost as if designing our app around the same principles that we advocate to our customers and espouse in our product decisions are not just buzzwords and trends, but actually good business and technology decisions.

Have any questions or like to know more? Ask us! We love talking technology :slight_smile: