How to access Data Bindings for Enum Field option in a Symbol's Content Input?

Builder content link

The Symbol in question:

Symbol in action:

Builder public api key

What are you trying to accomplish
Hey there! I’m a designer-turned-(very!)junior-developer trying to set up some of our Symbols to include a Tags Content Input with allowed Enum values pulled from an API. I notice that there is no Data Binding mouseover option available in the UI for the Enum options for the Tags field. As a test baseline, I have also tried editing the (available) Data Binding for a regular Text field’s (textFieldTest) Default Value to a string, but that Default Value is not showing up in the Options Panel when the symbol is used in a Page, so clearly I don’t know what’s going on anywhere!

Is there a proper way to access a data binding for a list of Enum values on a field?

Thank you!

Code stack you are integrating Builder with

Hi Zach,

This isn’t currently possible - but we’ve logged a feature request for you, so it’s something that may be added in the future.


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