I’ve lost access to my admin account. We are putting together a demo for a client for tomorrow to pitch them to use builder.io. When we try to login it says that there is no account by that name. Similar for resetting password.
However, content is still being served, so I expect that the account is blocked. Please can it be unblocked so that we can try to sell this service?
Hey @rob.egginton, welcome to the Builder forum. Could you please share the email that you are locked out of? If you are not comfortable sharing the email on the forum you can raise a request via the Builder application. You can create a request like this-
While you are at Space or Content level, you will find the following menu on the bottom-left hand-side:
Then click (?) Help which will take you to this menu:
Sadly as we are locked out of the application, I cannot log into the application to alert anyone that I cannot log into the application that I’m locked out of.
@rob.egginton Could you please confirm if multiple users are accessing this account using the same email? If so, I would like to inform you that using a single email for multiple users is against our usage policy, and we need you to take urgent action by having 1 account per user, each with a unique email address.
We will try to re-enable the account to ensure you can progress with the ongoing work. However, we suspect the root of the issue is due to the use of 1 email by multiple users.
Lastly, as a general rule, using a shared Admin account is not a good security practice:
For example, if someone using this account mistakingly deletes part of a page or space, the originator cannot be identified.
Or, if a person leaves your organization, they could still access your Builder account (unless the password is changed every time someone leaves).
Hey @rob.egginton could you please try signing up using the same email again? If that doesn’t work please let me know the error you are receiving on the signup and share an alternative email with me. I will add that email to your org and space so you aren’t locked out till we get the main account back.
I have invited you back to the space. Please check and let me know.
Note: You will see my test email added as an admin as well. This was done to make sure we don’t lose access to the account. Once you are able to access the space and org I will remove the test email from your space and org.