What are the rules for counting Visual Views?

Content from Page or Section models

Using visual models; that is Page or Section models with Builder’s Visual CMS, which includes using the Builder SDKs and APIs.

Does each call to the fetchOneEntry API count as one usage? If I have 500k Visual Views, will they be used up after 500k calls to the API?

Hey @RadisLuo Yes, each call to fetch content using Builder.io APIs, including the fetchOneEntry API, counts as one usage. Therefore, 500k API calls to fetch content would use up 500k Visual Views.

Visual Views and API Calls:

  • Visual Views: Visual Views, also known as Pageviews, track the rendering of visual content created by Builder.io. This happens when the content is fetched and rendered, which typically involves loading a small tracking pixel to record the view.
  • API Usage: When you make API calls to fetch content from Builder.io, such as using the fetchOneEntry, get, or getAll methods, it counts toward your Visual Views usage if you are fetching Page or Section models. Each fetch action is considered as one Visual View, so 500k calls would indeed account for 500k Visual Views.

I’m currently facing an issue with using SSG. Due to caching, the page doesn’t get updated immediately after publishing. It may require a hard reload or some waiting time. How can I ensure the page gets updated every time after publishing?

PS: It seems that requesting fetchOneEntry with options: { cachebust: true, noCache: true } can fetch the latest version, but this would increase the load on the Visual View.