Dynamic children are only rendering on page refresh

Hi Guys

Got an odd problem here. So I have an app setup using Svelte. I have a custom component that has a child custom component
Main component is a grid container
Child is a grid item

I’ve a stange issue where if you go the the /our-work page directly or refresh the page when getting there, the data loads correctly, otherwise it does not:

Go to

Then click into Menu and select “Our Work”
The main body of the page won’t load

Refresh the page and it works OK

The template file looks like:

    import { Content, isPreviewing } from '@builder.io/sdk-svelte';
    import { CUSTOM_COMPONENTS } from '../../CustomComponents.js';

    // Create an array of your custom components and their properties

    // this data comes from the function in `+page.server.js`, which runs on the server only
    export let data = {};

    // shortcut to the actual content
    export let pageContent = data.builderProps.content?.data || {};

    // we want to show unpublished content when in preview mode.
    const canShowContent = pageContent || isPreviewing();


{#if canShowContent}
    <!-- force re-rendering of `Content` on client-side navigation -->
    {#key pageContent}
        <!-- Render builder content with all required props -->
        <div class="container">
    Content Not Found

and this is using +page.server.js:

import { fetchBuilderProps } from '@builder.io/sdk-svelte';
import { BUILDER_PUBLIC_API_KEY } from '../../config/apiKeys.js';
import { error } from '@sveltejs/kit';
import { DEFAULT_META_DESCRIPTION, DEFAULT_META_TITLE } from '../../config/constants.js';

/** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */
export async function load(event) {
    // fetch your Builder content

    const builderProps = await fetchBuilderProps({
        model: 'page',
        searchParams: event.url.searchParams,
        userAttributes: {
            urlPath: event.url.pathname || '/'

    if (!builderProps) {
        throw error(404, 'Content not found');

    const meta = {
        title: builderProps.content?.data?.metaTitle || DEFAULT_META_TITLE,
        description: builderProps.content?.data?.metaDescription || DEFAULT_META_DESCRIPTION

    return { builderProps, meta };

I’ve tried creating an onMount and other events in +page.svelte mirroring the load in the +page.server.js

Just can’t work this out at all and hoping you guys might be able to point me in the right direction


Hello Valguss2001

I did notice that you’re currently using the sdk-svelte, which is in beta. The issue could be with implementation release.

To get a more prompt response, would you please reach out to support@builder.io with your Public API Key or Content ID. Our Technical Support Specialists, will gladly assist with the implementation and provide troubleshooting with the content in question.

Totally forgot to post an update there in that I did manage to fix this. I had to make pageContent and canShowContent reactive to get this working. so:

 // this data comes from the function in `+page.server.js`, which runs on the server only
    export let data = {};

    // shortcut to the actual content
    export let pageContent = data.builderProps.content?.data || {};

    // we want to show unpublished content when in preview mode.
    const canShowContent = pageContent || isPreviewing();

turned into

    export let data = {};

    // shortcut to the actual content
    $: pageContent = data.builderProps.content?.data || {};

    // we want to show unpublished content when in preview mode.
    $: canShowContent = pageContent || isPreviewing();

