Environments serve as isolated workspaces where you can experiment, test, and make changes to your models, content, and code without changing your live production environment until you’re ready.
With an Enterprise plan, you can set up up to three (in total) environments tailored to your specific needs, such as Dev, QA, and Prod. Each environment represents a distinct stage in the production cycle, where you can seamlessly transition your work from one environment to another.
is there somewhere more details about the custom fields?
I have one, type=date and required=no.
However, when I edit this content, and enter a date, I can’t remove it anymore, despite having “required=no”.
If you have more details on your exact issue I would be happy to take a look. Feel free to share content links here or in the support ticket that you opened and I can investigate and provide more insights!
FYI This approach is still valid, but Builder has recently released a major overhaul of how we handle environments and syncing between spaces. You can learn more about how our Enterprise customers harness the power of Environments here: Enabling Environments for a Space - Builder.io