Timezone not taken into account on expiration

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug
Schedule some content to expire in a couple of minutes and change the timezone from the timezone picker.

Notice that the content is still published after expiration. I presume it will expire at the default timezone (NY in my case) instead of what was selected in the picker

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Hi @OP-J,

Just to confirm, is this the issue you’re experiencing?

  • The scheduled content expiration is approaching.
  • You changed the timezone, which adjusted the expiration time.
  • Now, the content no longer expires at the original time.
  • Does the content still expire correctly based on the new timezone?

Just to confirm, are you experiencing the following issue?

  • The scheduled content expiration is approaching.
  • You changed the timezone, which adjusted the expiration time.
  • As a result, the content no longer expires at the originally set time.
  • Does the content now expire correctly based on the updated timezone?

Could you please provide answers to these questions? This will help us better understand the issue and assist you accordingly.

Looking forward to your response!


Tested a bit more.
It seems like the picker isn’t actually using the selected timezone.
Instead it’s using my current timezone.

For example I am in Romania 21:00
and want to schedule something for New York at 16:00.
On publish it shows up as expired.
It seems that it’s picking up 16:00 as being Romania time instead of New York

Hello @OP-J,

We appreciate you sharing the reproducible steps—it’s really helpful.

We are currently investigating the issue and attempting to reproduce it on our end. We’ll keep you updated as soon as we make any progress.

In the meantime, if you have any additional details that might assist us, please let us know.

Best regards,

Hi @OP-J,

Just to confirm, are you encountering the issue when setting only the end date without a start date? We tried reproducing the issue by setting both start and end dates but didn’t face any problems.

Could you verify if the same behavior occurs on your end?

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,